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N4 Grammar Self-Study Course

  • 158 Steps


This is a 16 weeks self-study course that you complete on your own without a teacher. By purchasing this course – you will get access to our JLPT N4 grammar quizzes and our JLPT N4 PDF Workbook. In this course you will get: • 67 quizzes and 68 lessons dedicated to testing you on the JLPT N4 grammar • A link to our downloadable JLPT N4 Grammar Workbook What is the difference between a one-time payment and self-study access? Self-study access gives you access to all of the Coto Challenges in this course system instead of just one. From N5 to N2, you can get our JLPT lesson materials and try them — as long as you have an active subscription and pay the monthly fee. After that it is ¥900 a month for full acces (less than 10 USD a month).



Single Payment
Self-Study Access


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