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JLPT N2 Online Instruction & Exercise - 6 Month Course

Pass the JLPT N2 exam with us!


Pass the JLPT and improve your career prospects.

Our online JLPT prep lectures cover all of the essential elements of the JLPT N2. The seminar-style lectures have students work individually with the lesson material while listening to the lecture on the screen.

We offer affordable, accessible, quality lessons for you to get started on your bilingual journey.

More details about our JLPT N2 course:

  • This is a lecture-style course with an unlimited number of students where students participate with their camera and microphone turned off.

  • No maximum number of students per class (while other online group lessons are small groups up to 6 people per class).

  • Any Q&A will be done via the Zoom chat function, with no conversation between instructors and students.

  • Each class requires 2 points / 100 minutes.


Course Option

We provide three course options, allowing students to tackle core focuses they want: grammar and reading, kanji and vocabulary — and a combination of both.

We recommend students who want to develop an all-around competency on the JLPT to take our full course. 

JLPT N2 Instruction & Exercise Course -Grammar and Reading

19:00-21:00 JST

Prepare for the Grammar and Reading section in our virtual classroom.

* 1-time course materials fee required if students do not own the textbooks

Our Recommendation:

Starter Plan
(9,600 yen / 28 days)

JLPT N2 Instruction & Exercise Course -
Kanji and Vocabulary

19:00-21:00 JST

Prepare for the Kanji and Vocabulary section in our virtual classroom.

* 1-time course materials fee required if students do not own the textbooks

Our Recommendation:

Starter Plan
(9,600 yen / 28 days)

JLPT N2 Full Course

Monday & Wednesday
19:00-21:00 JST

Prepare for all sections of the JLPT N2 exam in our virtual classroom.

* 1-time course materials fee required if students do not own the textbooks

Our Recommendation:

Middle Plan
(16,800 yen / 28 days)

Meet Your Teacher!

1. Risa Aure


"I have been teaching Japanese both in-person and online for almost four years. I primarily focus on JLPT N2 and N3 classes. In my classes, I emphasize clarity while creating an enjoyable learning environment. I’m here to support you in achieving your goals, so let’s work together to improve your Japanese skills!"

2. Atsuyo Takao


Born in Wakayama Prefecture, Atsuyo-sensei graduated from the University of Osaka with a Bachelor in Foreign Studies.

Watch a class sample

Want to know what our "Virtual Classroom" looks like?  Watch this sample class!

N2 Course Sample 7/1

N2 Course Sample 7/1

Play Video

This sample video is from the previous course with a different teacher.

Course Enrollment

The course enrollment takes place on a monthly basis. The monthly charge covers a 1 month period from the day you sign up to the previous day of the following month. (ex: Aug 3rd ~ Sept. 2nd)

If you have completed your course and would like to stop taking classes, please let us know that you would like to cancel before your monthly payment due date, and you will not be charged for the next period.

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