Want to improve your Japanese listening? We are excited to announce that we have just launched our new 30 day JLPT N5 Audio Course.
First you will listen to the sentence and phrase in Japanese - and then you will see the English explanation.
After that you will do a flash card challenge to test your comprehension.
This 15 minute per day audio course can be done when you are on the train on the way to work - and if you download the wix app and enroll in the challenge - you will get daily notifications reminding you to practice your listening.
Want to sign up and join the FREE JLPT N5 listening course? Click Here
Want to see an example? Check out the video below:
And now test out the flashcard component!
Ready to join the challenge? Click here ----> https://www.coto-language.com/challenge-page/91ae8941-1bc0-4db8-868f-5c9f0e912d3e